Sunday, February 22, 2015

Waiver form and more trek info!

This weekend you should have received sign up sheet with this trek information

Here is a link to the parental permission slip and waiver form that each attendee will need to have completed. Waiver Form (Very important!)

If you want to down load this sheet and print it, it's online, along with the waiver on our FaceBook page.

Bennion East Stake Pioneer Trek 2015

All Youth ages 14-18
(Need to turn 14 by August 31st, 2015)
Dates:  June 10-13, 2015
Location:  Deseret Land and Livestock - Woodruff, Utah

·      Walking 25-30 miles with handcarts
·      No cost to attend
·      Estimated 150 youth and adults from the Stake will be trekking

We will be wearing Pioneer Attire
·      Men-Cotton pants (docker type/no levis), light colored long sleeve shirts, western style hat, suspenders
·      Women-2 skirts (mid-calf or longer), light colored long sleeve blouse or dress, 1 or 2 bonnets, bloomers or cotton pj bottoms, aprons with pockets.
·      Everyone- 2 pairs of shoes and a 5 gallon bucket with lid

Trek starts now by following social media updates!
·      Follow on Twitter @Embark2015Trek
·      Find us on Facebook  - Embark 2015!
·      Follow on Instagram - Embark2015Trek

Trail Bosses:  Steve and Joy Durrant  435-671-9792
Stake YM President:  Craig Davies  801-414-7350

Stake YW President:  Angie Mann 801-313-9876